IpublishGhostwriters Online Publishing Master Course

24/7 Lifetime Access. Work at Your Own Pace.

Introducing the iPublishGhostwriters Course

iPublishGhostwriters teaches how to start a business online publishing books on all the major platforms and retailers - Amazon, Audible, Barnes and Noble, Target, Walmart, and more - without having to be an author yourself. Automating the process entirely, so you can sit back and enjoy this new stream of passive income.

It doesn't matter if you don't have any tech skills or any previous business experience. Everything you need to know is provided step-by-step in this training program.
Leave No Stone Left Unturned, No Questions Unanswered
In this complete course, I teach my EXACT strategies for starting an online publishing business from scratch, and show you how I make multiple six-figures in a year.

I hold nothing back as I show you the strategies, and techniques I use to run my business - which books to publish, where to put them, and so much more; from platforms, to ninja strategies, it's all there for you, presented in a way I have not seen taught anywhere else online.

Learn From The Best, and You Will Achieve the Best!

Testimonals from former students - get an idea of what iPublish can do for you, from others who have done the same - with great success.

Joining The iPublishGhostwriters Course Gives You Full & Immediate access to...

Module 1: Setting up your Operation Accounts

Business Accounts
Outsourcing Solutions
Analytics Tools
Publishing Accounts
Everything You'll Need to Get Started, and Get Going!

Module 2: Market Research

Niche Research
Keyword Research
Audiobook Research
Research Analytics

Module 3: Creating your Book

Creating Title, Subtitle, and Outline
Ordering your Book
Cover Design
Case Studies in Book Creation

Module 4: Publishing Lessons

Marketing – AMS ads, KDP Rocket, and Google
Kindle Publishing – Formatting, Book Descriptions, Linking & Categories
Continue Publishing – Ingramspark, Babelcube, Pubby
Business Expenses

Module 5: Strategic Planning in Publishing

✔ Strategies – Banking, Bundling, Bundling Combos Method, Multiple Revenue Sources, Reviews Strategies, and More!
✔ Ninja Strategies – Niches & Keywords, ACX Keyword Stuffing, Reviews Engineering, ACX Reviews Engineering, and More!
✔ Free Products – Canva, Formatting, ACX, Babelcube

Module 6: Step-by-Step Process - Publishing

Title & Penname
Order Cover
Format Book & Description
Amazon Kindle Publishing
Publishing the book beyond Amazon/KDP, and best practices!
Book Bundling As a Technique

Module 7: Step-by-Step Process - Audiobooks

Formatting Cover
Claiming Your Audiobook
Hiring a Narrator
Gathering Reviews
Creating Bundles
Ordering Opening/Closing Credits
Quality Assurance Issues

As well as access to exclusive members-only resources, affiliate deals, and special products created for those in the iPGW community. These perks include our ghostwriter affiliates, fiverr contacts, special discounts, and more!

Here's a summary of everything you get...

This is not your typical "course".. we provide you EVERYTHING you need to be successful.

Comprehensive iPublishGhostwriter Online Publishing Course
  • Step-By-Step Guide: A no-nonsense guide to the process - a blueprint for success!
  • Member-Exclusive Resources: Resources made for the members, including special discounts with our partners, and other resources to help you make the process that much easier.
  • Special Members-only Group: Exclusive group for discussion, Q&A's, support, extra training, and so much more.

Instant Access to The iPGW Members Community

So you can strategize and get help from previous students, current students, and even Alexander himself!

But Wait! That's not ALL...

List of Dozens of Profitable Niches + Example Cases

To make sure you choose the absolute best niche, or make sure you've already chosen the best one, you'll be given EVERYTHING you need to make that decision COUNT!

We'll give you everything you need to make that decision - popular, profitable niches AND success stories with them, so you can clone the success for your own!

The AMS Formula I use to Generate HOURLY traffic!

AMS Ads template to help your Amazon listings generate impressive traffic - daily, or even HOURLY results.

I'll show you how to generate both automatic and manually sponsored ads, and help get the ball rolling on your books IMMEDIATELY! This will make advertising a BREEZE - you'll be working their algorithm like a PRO.
Get access to our most recent book orders, from beginning to end - publish ALONGSIDE us, guided every step of the way.

See what niches we pick, what the covers look like, how to format your description and SO much more!


Take a look at some of my results from publishing on KDP, ACX, IngramSpark and more.
REAL screenshots, of what I want you to achieve too!

100% Money Back Guarantee!

We are serious about our program and want you to be serious too. Therefore, we will refund your money 100% if you are not happy with the program within 30 days of purchase.
Start a stream of passive income from your home.
  Have a step-by-step guide to automating and outsourcing your online business.
No Need For Technical Knowledge.
This offer expires soon!
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
Alexander Toledo
P.S. : If you have any fears, and that’s what’s holding you back… Let me give you my opinion.

Maybe you are ready, maybe you don’t know it yet. Maybe you’re just waiting for permission. And if you’re not ready, that’s OK, I'm not here to force you into my program. Worst case scenario, you get a little advice. Best case, we work together, and you find the flexibility and freedom you've been searching for.

Wouldn’t you like to find out where you stand? Don’t you want to know how you could be making passive income while working your 9-5? Without being an author? Or having any publishing experience? Aren’t you the least bit curious?

Embrace it. Let’s find out.

Frequently Asked Questons

Who are you?

I’m Alexander Toledo. I’m a traveling RN, Dad, and an online book publisher.

I got started in publishing because I was uncomfortable with my capped RN salary. RN’s get burned out pretty quickly by working long hours in high-stress environments. I wanted an option to get out if I needed to... online publishing was my answer.

What do you do?

I help people build an online publishing business, so they can create a new source of income or leave their 9-5 job without having to be an author, an experienced publisher, business owner, or breaking the bank.

How do you do that exactly?

My course shows you step by step on how to become a book publisher:
  • What Kind of Books You Should Publish
  • ​What book niches are Most Sought After
  • ​How to analyze traffic by keyword demand on amazon
  • How to outsource ghostwriters, book cover design, audio, and print forms
  • ​How to place ads on Amazon to ensure you receive traffic toward your books
  • ​Additional Publishing platforms (Audible, iBooks, etc) where you can sell your books

Who is this course for?

This is for anyone wanting to earn an extra 1k per month or for those wanting to leave their full-time job and make up to 20-30k a month.

How is your course different from similar ones?

The biggest difference is I show you everything, no holding back. I’ll show you the books I’ve published and real case studies to understand the how and why of my process.

Most courses don’t show the evidence behind their teaching or what the good keywords are but mine does. I pull back the curtain on everything so you can have success like me.

Can I really make money doing this?

Yes, absolutely. I did it working full time while traveling the country as a nurse and going to school full time.

Do I need to be a writer or cover designer?

No, everything is outsourced. You'll be a publisher who decides what books you want to publish and you assign a pen name to those books.

When will I start seeing money?

In publishing, you work upfront and you begin to collect royalties and sales 30 days from the publishing date. These are online assets and you will collect passive income for years.

Look at great books that 30+ years old that are still selling today. Same thing, it's an online asset, like real estate.

When will I start seeing money?

Look at it like this, for every $1 you invest, you can expect to get back at least $4 on average. It's really an investment or marketing - the more you put in the more you get back.

You can learn the business and start slow doing only what is comfortable or in your budget. There is no set minimum.

Are you available for additional coaching or support?

Once you become a course member you will always be updated on new strategies or methods that I create. Because I've been able to scale my business so large I am able to test and try new things. I will always pass any new products to my students for life.

Individual coaching may be available for an additional fee.
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ONE TIME OFFER ($997): Lets face it. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. In condimentum aliquam arcu, ut pharetra nunc feugiat in. Nam tempor dui non mi mollis vulputate. Donec fermentum arcu ac mauris placerat, quis mattis mi porttitor. Nulla condimentum felis lacus, eu viverra dui congue a. Proin vel augue eu diam egestas finibus quis in ante. Duis at diam blandit, ultricies tellus at, mattis risus. Proin iaculis lectus at aliquet imperdiet.

Disclaimer: All information provided on this training is  for educational-purposes only. We don't promote a "get rich quick" scheme.

Results may not be typical or expected for every person.

iPublishGhostWriters.com is a Trademark of Alexander Toledo
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